McCree General Contractors & Architects


With the design-build construction methodology, you hire one company to do the architectural design and construction of your project. Conflicts between the architect and contractor are eliminated, making the process easier and more enjoyable for you.

Save an average of 50% off your schedule and 23% off your costs by using McCree’s design-build services because, unlike most other contractors who do design-build, McCree has its own in-house architecture department. Our architects sit next to our estimators so there is a constant dialog on how to design your project in the most cost-efficient way.

Featured Project
Design Build services for dental and medical office construction and renovations

Our Ten-Step Process

One of the biggest advantages of our proprietary ten-step design-build process is that you will get a budget cost estimate at the end of the preliminary design process which is accurate to within 5% of what your final construction costs will be. Our preliminary design costs a small fraction of what you would pay an architect to do a biddable set of plans and can usually be completed in just 4-8 weeks!

An Ally, Not An Adversary

You’ve probably heard the construction horror stories of change orders; battles between the engineers, architects and contractors; and subcontractor performance issues. McCree is a one-stop team. Delegate and be done. By engaging one team to guide you through concept to completion, you avoid the complexity and complications of having too many independent interests involved in your project. With McCree, adversarial design and construction-related risks are eliminated!

Design-Build is the Easiest of All Construction Methods

If you’re a private owner (non-government) and have yet to select an architect or a general contractor, then the design-build option may be your best choice. If commercial construction isn’t in your wheelhouse of expertise, this will be your easiest option. Design-build is as close to delegate-and-be-done as one can achieve. If you are an experienced developer, contact us to learn how design-build can cut your construction timeline in half!

Why Design-Build at McCree is Better

There are four ways McCree goes above and beyond the “regular” design-build approach.



Our design-build roots start in 1914, twelve years before our official founding. Bill McCree, our founder, was a forerunner of the Design-Build method. Since the 1950s, a licensed architect and licensed contractor have been principals on the McCree Design-Build team.



McCree has an in-house architecture department and licensed professionals in the fields of architecture, engineering, and general construction. Not having to wait for a response from an outside firm significantly speeds up the process. Plus, our architects design for construction, not just permitting, significantly reducing the number of requests for information from the field, speeding up the construction process. McCree also self-performs a significant number of trades in order to maintain fluidity, costs, and standards.


Quality Control

McCree uses the latest technology. Designing in three-dimensions allows our team to find and resolve issues before they become problems in the field. Every project goes through a strict quality review process from a fresh set of eyes. This extra effort upfront is how we are able to eliminate general contractor-issued change orders on our design-build projects.



As a customer, you have one point of contact for your project—McCree. You don’t have to coordinate with two or three different firms or get finger pointing from one to the other. For questions or concerns you have one person to call: your McCree project manager.

Featured Projects

Explore our portfolio.

Orlando Science Center LIFE

Salvation Army Women & Children’s Center

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Ready to create something special?

Contact McCree General Contractors & Architects for your construction needs.